


加利福尼亚州的Camarillo和马萨诸塞州利特尔顿,2021年11月23日-Semtech Corporation(纳斯达克:SMTC),高性能模拟和混合信号半导体和高级算法的全球领先供应商,宣布与188金宝搏app 下载之合作Zeevee,专业AV和IT市场的视频和信号分销技术的全球制造商,用于188bet金博宝滚球田纳西州立博物馆。合作的目的是通过最先进的AV系统吸引并吸引新的观众进入博物馆。为博物馆的展览提供动力的是通过以太网(SDVOE™)信号发行解决方案定义的视频,其中包含Zeevee Zyper4k编码器和解码器以及Semtech的Blueriver®Av-Over-IP技术。188bet金博宝滚球结果是传递具有本机SDVOE连接性的高质量,未压缩的4K60视频,从而bet188软件下载降低了AV系统的成本和复杂性。

“博物馆的角色对当地社区及其他地区非常重要。this use of the BlueRiver AV processor technology, an integral part of ZeeVee’s ZyPer4K SDVoE solution, is a remarkable example of Professional AV technology being utilized for this application,” said Don Shaver, vice president of marketing of video products for Semtech's Signal Integrity Products Group. “The Tennessee State Museum’s exhibits are now improved with the highest quality uncompressed 4K60 video to engage and entertain museum visitors.”

博物馆已成为田纳西州,历史爱好者和游客的必看景点。许多沉浸式和互动式AV驱动的展览增强了其与田纳西州的社会,政治,经济和文化历史有关的与社会,政治,经济和文化历史有关的使命。Semtech的Blueriver AV平台满足了田纳西州立博物馆的需求,可以通过其无与伦比的功能获得高质量的音频和视频体验。bet188软件下载

“The vision of the Tennessee State Museum’s administration and the layout of the facility, combined with the important history-telling mission, made this a particularly rewarding project to work on,” said Sue Lepp, senior vice president of Design & Production, an integrator firm for the project. “A museum experience should be entertaining as well as educational in order to draw repeat visitors and keep the interest of today’s tech savvy audiences.”


  • 田纳西时时间隧道展览是整个永久画廊的骨干,为访客提供了引人入胜的媒体和发人深省的互动展示的多层体验。
  • 内战与重建展览配有五分钟的视频和交互式触摸台,并带有田纳西州的地图,该地图设置了时代的音调,然后将观众带入沉浸式体验,其中包括声音,图像和文本的投影。
  • 在里面田纳西州变革展览,另一幅互动地图使访客能够了解拥有并继续形成文化生活和人民对国家印象的影响,从流行音乐明星到传统活动。
  • 数字学习和外展中心在全国和全球,提供了与其他博物馆,学院,学校和学者的远程访问。

田纳西州立博物馆执行董事阿什利·豪威尔(Ashley Howell)表示:“该项目的所有合作者都带来了他们的行业专业知识,导致了动态的AV系统,使我们能够提高我们的展览并实现我们吸引新访客的目标。”


有关Semtech Blueriver平台的更多信息,请访问这里


Semtech’s BlueRiver platform, brings the disruptive power of Ethernet to AV signal distribution, forever changing the dynamics of the Pro AV industry by allowing installers and OEMs to replace proprietary AV matrix switches with off-the-shelf Ethernet networks that deliver dramatically better price/performance, flexibility and scalability. The BlueRiver platform delivers a single programmable system on chip (SoC), which can be used to replace traditional AV/KVM extenders, matrix switchers, video wall controllers and windowing processors with a simple network of transmitters, receivers and off-the-shelf Ethernet switches. BlueRiver chipsets are the foundation of SDVoE technology offering zero-latency, uncompressed 4K streaming over standard Ethernet with unique support for HDMI 2.0a and HDR. They also integrate high-fidelity video scaling, windowing and audio downmixing. For more information, visitwww.csimin.com/products/professional-av/blueriver


Zeevee(www.zeevee.com)是针对工业,商业,政府和住宅应用的AV分销系统开发和部署的全球先驱和领导者。作为唯一可以通过纤维传递多媒体内容的制造商,Zeevee将其屡获殊荣的HD转换为Pro AV和IT市场的Ultra-HD/4K解决方案。该公司提供各种创新,具有成本效益且易于安装的AVOIP和RF分销平台。Zeevee的技术和产品安装在全球数千个设施中,在这些设施中,需要在长途范围内将音频和视频内容从多个来源运输到多个显示器。Zeevee是SDVOE联盟的创始成员,也是全球存在联盟技术合作伙伴。188bet金博宝滚球


Semtech Corporation是高性能模拟和混合信号半导体以及基础设施,高端消费者和工业设备的高188金宝搏app 下载级算法的全球领先供应商。产品旨在使工程社区和全球社区受益。该公司致力于减少IT及其产品对环境的影响。内部绿色计划旨在通过材料和制造控制,使用绿色技术和设计减少资源来减少废物。188bet金博宝滚球自1967年以来,Semtech自1967年以来就公开交易,在符号SMTC的纳斯达克全球选择市场上列出。有关更多信息,请访问www.csimin.com


All statements contained herein that are not statements of historical fact, including statements that use the words “designed to” or other similar words or expressions, that describe Semtech Corporation’s or its management’s future plans, objectives or goals are “forward-looking statements” and are made pursuant to the Safe-Harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, as amended. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause the actual results of Semtech Corporation to be materially different from the historical results and/or from any future results or outcomes expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors are further addressed in Semtech Corporation’s annual and quarterly reports, and in other documents or reports, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (www.sec.gov)包括(不受限制)标题“管理层对财务状况和运营结果的讨论和分析”和“风险因素”的信息。Semtech Corporation没有义务更新任何前瞻性陈述,以反映本发行日期之日起可能出现的事件或情况,但法律要求除外。

Semtech,Semtech徽标和Blueriver是Semtech Corporation或其分支机构的注册商标或服务标记。SDVOE是SDVOE联盟的商标或服务标记。


