Semtech与EveryNet和Telkom Indonesia合作,用于隔热疫苗载体利用Lorawan®

Semtech与EveryNet和Telkom Indonesia合作,用于隔热疫苗载体利用Lorawan®


加利福尼亚州卡马里洛,2021年11月10日-Semtech Corporation(纳斯达克:SMTC),高性能模拟和混合信号半导体和高级算法的全球领先供应商,宣布物188金宝搏app 下载联网(IoT)网络提供商,Everynet,正在与电信供应商合作,Telkom印度尼西亚,提供绝缘疫苗载体以跟踪和监测疫苗温度以减少废物,提高客户信心并通过Lorawan®网络提高接种速率。由于必须在特定温度下储存疫苗以维持其疗效,因此使用洛拉万(Lorawan)的绝缘疫苗载体提供了一个端到端系统,该系统可实时收集连续且一致的数据流。



EDI说:“绝缘疫苗载体正在利用物联网和洛拉万发送准确的数据并在分发过程中系统地记录温度。这种数据继电器将有助于保证疫苗的质量以符合印度尼西亚卫生部的规定。”bet188软件下载Witjara,Telkom印度尼西亚企业和商业服务总监。此外,印度尼西亚Telkom IoT平台Ibnu Alinursafa表示:“总部位于洛拉的绝缘疫苗运营商加速了印度尼西亚的疫苗接种计划,并为最终客户提供优质的服务。”bet188软件下载


“Everynet and Telkom Indonesia’s successful implementation of the LoRaWAN standard for the insulated vaccine carrier is a great way to maintain the safe delivery of vaccines, which are critical in the fight against COVID-19 and other deadly diseases,” said Marc Pégulu, vice president of IoT product marketing and strategy for Semtech’s Wireless and Sensing Products Group. “Now, critical aspects of the vaccine supply chain can be monitored at all times, highlighting a real life LoRaWAN use for a critical need that is making the planet, and its citizens, healthier in a smarter manner.”



Semtech’s LoRa device-to-Cloud platform is a globally adopted long range, low power solution for IoT applications, enabling the rapid development and deployment of ultra-low power, cost efficient and long range IoT networks, gateways, sensors, module products, and IoT services worldwide. Semtech’s LoRa devices provide the communication layer for the LoRaWAN® standard, which is maintained by the LoRa Alliance®, an open IoT alliance for Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) applications that has been used to deploy IoT networks in over 100 countries. Semtech is a founding member of the LoRa Alliance. To learn more about how LoRa enables IoT, visit Semtech’s168博金宝


EveryNet是全球Lorawan®网络运营商,在亚洲,EMEA和美洲提供运营商等级网络。EveryNet的中立主机网络模型使移动网络运营商,MVNO和Global MSP可以立即提供超低成本的物联网,并具有零前期资本支出。EveryNet使各个行业都可以访问IoT,以启用企业级解决方案,并使用Lorawan Technology(全球采用的物联网连接标准)进行部署。188bet金博宝滚球有关更多信息,请访问www.everynet.com


PT Telkom Indonesia(Persero)TBK(Telkom)是印度尼西亚的国有信息和通信技术企业和电信网络。188bet金博宝滚球印度尼西亚政府是拥有52.09%股份的大股东,其余47.91%的股份属于公共股东。Telkom的股票在印尼证券交易所(IDX)上交易,并在其中列为“ TLKM”和纽约证券交易所(纽约证券交易所)(NYSE),后者将其列为“ TLK”。


Semtech Corporation是高性能模拟和混合信号半导体以及基础设施,高端消费者和工业设备的高188金宝搏app 下载级算法的全球领先供应商。产品旨在使工程社区和全球社区受益。该公司致力于减少IT及其产品对环境的影响。内部绿色计划旨在通过材料和制造控制,使用绿色技术和设计减少资源来减少废物。188bet金博宝滚球自1967年以来,Semtech自1967年以来就公开交易,在符号SMTC的纳斯达克全球选择市场上列出。有关更多信息,请访问www.csimin.com


All statements contained herein that are not statements of historical fact, including statements that use the words “can be,” “designed to” or other similar words or expressions, that describe Semtech Corporation’s or its management’s future plans, objectives or goals are “forward-looking statements” and are made pursuant to the Safe-Harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, as amended. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause the actual results of Semtech Corporation to be materially different from the historical results and/or from any future results or outcomes expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors are further addressed in Semtech Corporation’s annual and quarterly reports, and in other documents or reports, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (www.sec.gov)包括(不受限制)标题“管理层对财务状况和运营结果的讨论和分析”和“风险因素”的信息。Semtech Corporation没有义务更新任何前瞻性陈述,以反映本发行日期之日起可能出现的事件或情况,但法律要求除外。

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