
Semtech宣布Lorawan®集成到Cranberry Analytics的智能水计量解决方案

Panaji Municipal Corporation(PWD-PHED)以劳拉万网络为特色网络

加利福尼亚州卡马里洛,2022年5月19日-Semtech Corporation(纳斯达克:SMTC),高性能模拟和混合信号半导体和高级算法的全球领先供应商,宣布188金宝搏app 下载蔓越莓分析一家位于印度的水管理公司已选择将Semtech的Lora®设备和Lorawan®标准集成到其智能水计量的超声波电表中。印度的Panaji Municipal Corporation将其智能水位计量合同授予Cranberry Analytics,用于使用其智能电表,这是由于其可靠的手动数据捕获和通过LORA模块进行了通信。

蔓越莓分析的联合创始人和CTO,Shishir Thakur表示:“ Semtech的Lora提供了具有成本效益的传感器和强信号传播功能,在城市环境中,对于深层内建造或地下连通性是必不可少的。”“考虑到所有这些因素,这是一个明确的决定,即洛拉和洛拉万将是可靠水计量的最佳选择。”

Cranberry Analytics的智能水表使系统管理员每天可以收集电表读数和水消耗数据,从而有效地计划水分配以及实时异常检测和泄漏分析以及减轻水浪费。根据Cranberry Analytics的说法,在该项目的初始阶段中,使用Lora和Lorawan的超声波电表将取代3,094个消费者的机械水表。





Semtech’s LoRa device-to-Cloud platform is a globally adopted long range, low power solution for IoT applications, enabling the rapid development and deployment of ultra-low power, cost efficient and long range IoT networks, gateways, sensors, module products, and IoT services worldwide. Semtech’s LoRa technology provides the communication layer for the LoRaWAN® standard, which is maintained by the LoRa Alliance®, an open IoT alliance for Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) applications that has been used to deploy IoT networks in over 170 countries. With the proliferation of LoRa devices and the LoRaWAN standard, theLora开发人员门户网站是学习,联系,协作和找到资源以帮助加速您的洛拉开发过程的地方。Semtech是洛拉联盟的创始成员。要了解有关Lora如何启用IoT的更多信息,请访问Semtech的Lora168博金宝


Cranberry Analytics为水管理提供技术和数188bet金博宝滚球据驱动的解决方案。他们与政府,半政府和水基础设施公司合作,以技术专业知识,研发和政策框架来促进其建立的,通常是古老的流程。

Cranberry Analytics以向印度浦那Pune Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation(PCMC)展开广泛的功能和技术而闻名。自该项目于2012年成立以来,该公司能够以大量节水,增加市政机构的收入和提高客户满意度的价格实现价值。这导致每年节省310亿升的水,每天9.5亿升,从2011年236亿印度卢比(31亿美元(310万美元))增加了从计量连接到55.2亿印度卢比(730万美元)的收入。12,消费者纠纷从同一时期的10,642大幅减少到251。他们还为亚洲开发银行(ADB),卡纳塔克邦城市基础设施发展与金融公司(KUIDFC),住房和城市事务部(MOHUA)以及苏伊士国际的法国水与废物管理巨头创建了类似的数据驱动解决方案。有关更多信息,请访问这里


Semtech Corporation是高性能模拟和混合信号半导体以及基础设施,高端消费者和工业设备的高188金宝搏app 下载级算法的全球领先供应商。产品旨在使工程社区和全球社区受益。该公司致力于减少IT及其产品对环境的影响。内部绿色计划旨在通过材料和制造控制,使用绿色技术和设计减少资源来减少废物。188bet金博宝滚球自1967年以来,Semtech自1967年以来就公开交易,在符号SMTC的纳斯达克全球选择市场上列出。有关更多信息,请访问www.csimin.com


All statements contained herein that are not statements of historical fact, including statements that use the words “will,” “designed to” or other similar words or expressions, that describe Semtech Corporation’s or its management’s future plans, objectives or goals are “forward-looking statements” and are made pursuant to the Safe-Harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, as amended. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause the actual results of Semtech Corporation to be materially different from the historical results and/or from any future results or outcomes expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, but are not limited to: the uncertainty surrounding the impact and duration of supply chain constraints and any associated disruptions; the uncertainty surrounding the impact and duration of the COVID-19 pandemic; export restrictions and laws affecting Semtech Corporation’s trade and investments including with respect to Huawei and certain of its affiliates and other entities identified by the U.S. government, and tariffs or the occurrence of trade wars; worldwide economic and political disruptions as a result of the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine; competitive changes in the marketplace including, but not limited to, the pace of growth or adoption rates of applicable products or technologies; downturns in the business cycle; and the additional risk factors set forth in Semtech Corporation’s Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (www.sec.gov)2022年3月16日,由于随后的报道,Semtech Corporation与美国证券交易委员会提交文件有关此类风险因素可能会不时更新,修改或取代。Semtech Corporation没有义务更新任何前瞻性陈述,以反映本发行日期之日起可能出现的事件或情况,但法律要求除外。

Semtech,Semtech徽标和LORA是Semtech Corporation或其分支机构的注册商标或服务标记。


